Deqing Wang (王德清)

Assistant Professor
Mailing Address: Department of Communication Engineering,School of Information Science and Engineering,Xiamen University,361005, Xiamen, China

Biography: Deqing Wang received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering and M.S. degree in communication engineering from Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. And then he received the Ph.D. degree in communication engineering from Xiamen University in 2013. He was with Georgia Institute of Technology as a visiting scholar during 2016-2017. He is currently an assistant professor with the department of information and communication engineering and Key Laboratory of Underwater Acoustic Communication and Marine Information Technology, Xiamen University. His research interests include underwater acoustic communication and networking, underwater acoustic signal processing, and underwater acoustic physical-layer network coding.

Research Interests:

  • Underwater Acoustic Networks

Research Grant:

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (国家自然科学基金青年项目) No. 61301098, “Cross-layer Design for Media Access Control Protocols in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Based on Cooperative Spectrum Sensing”, 2014.1-2016.12, Principle Investigator (PI).

  • Key Laboratory Fund (重点实验室开放课题), Key Laboratory of System Control and Information Processing, Ministry of Education, Shanghai, “Sparse Modeling for Underwater Acoustic Channels”, 2018.12-2020.11, Principle Investigator (PI).

  • Key Laboratory Fund (重点实验室开放课题), Key Laboratory of Technology and Application For Safeguarding of Marine Rights and Interests, SOA, “Channel Estimation for Motion Underwater Acoustic OFDM Communication System”, 2018.1-2018.12, Principle Investigator (PI).

  • Subject of Enterprise Finance (企业资助课题), “Development of Cloud Application Software for Intelligent Lighting Control System Based on Ad Hoc Networks”, 2015.1-2016.4, Principle Investigator (PI).

  • Subject of Enterprise Finance (企业资助课题), “Long-range Underwater Acoustic Communication”, 2013.7-2014.7, Principle Investigator (PI).


  • Foundation of Digital Electrical Circuits (under-graduate)

  • Principle of Communications (under-graduate)

  • Design of Electrical and Communication System (under-graduate laboratory course)

  • Underwater Wireless Networks (post-graduate)

Current Master Student:

  • 2016: Jingxin Xu

  • 2017: Haiyu Li

  • 2018: Fengyu Wang

  • 2019: Mengya Wang, Fen Ye

Vacancies: Prospective master students interested in UWANs (水声通信) are welcome to contact me by email.